Mar 02, 2022 699times

Consultation on Seychelles Performance Based Bonus Scheme

Consultation on Seychelles Performance Based Bonus Scheme

The Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs conducted consultation meetings on 28th February and 1st March 2022 with workers and employers’ organizations respectively, to discuss the policy proposition on Performance Based Bonus (PBB) to be applicable nationally.

Chairing the meeting was Principal Secretary of Employment Department Mr Jules Baker and also in attendance was Consultant Dr Marina Confait, Director General Labour Relations Mr Steve Monnaie and other officials from the Ministry.

The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss with employers and workers representatives the concept of Performance Based Bonus and the policy proposal, for their comments and feedback.


The meeting started with a presentation from Dr. Confait where the concept, objectives and preparation of the PBB implementation were explained. After the presentation the participants had the opportunity to ask questions and shared their concerns about the new scheme which will replace the 13th month pay, which have been suspended for two years due to economic crisis in the country arising out of COVID-19 pandemic.


Both employers and workers representatives agreed to submit their written comments and proposal on the PBB and the points discussed during the meeting will be brought forward to Government for further consideration.